Cutie Sue and the Christmas Miracle: A Child: A Heartwarming Magical Children’s Book

Written by Kate Melton

Illustrated by Ira Baykovska

Children's Book "Cutie Sue and the Christmas Miracle": A Heartwarming and Magical Children's Book (Cutie Sue Series 4) by [Kate  Melton]

This book is part of a series of children’s books based on the Cutie Sue character.

In Book 4, Cutie Sue prepares her Christmas list for Santa and works hard with her family to get ready for Christmas. But Sue feels a bit down when she receives the material things on her list with the exception of one – snow.

Sue’s mom reminds her to be grateful and thinks about those who are less fortunate. Sue goes out into the neighborhood seeking the lonely, and needy. She learns the true meaning of Christmas and gets a surprise as well.

The illustrations are soft and lovely. Most of the rhymes flow well. I would recommend the book, especially for readers five through eight.

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