ADDISON’S HALLOWEEN: a collection about festivals and celebrations around the world, and of fashion

Wriiten by Ana Alvarez

llustrated by Andrés Balcázar

This book is part of a series of picture books that feature multicultural festivals and celebrations. In Book 5, Addison eagerly anticipates celebrating Halloween in the United States. She brings readers with her as she shows them decorations around her house, a play at school, her family’s preparations for their Halloween party, her friends and their Halloween costumes enjoying food and friendship at her party, and finally the whole group trick or treating in the neighborhood. At the end of the story, readers receive a bonus. They may choose a link to dress Addison in several different paper costumes.

This book contains lots of fun illustrations and suggestions for enjoying the Halloween holiday. I highly suggest it as a read aloud for children, especially those ages three through eight.

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