Prince Iggy and the Kingdom of Naysayer (The Adventures of Prince Iggy Book 1)

Written by Aldo Fynn

Illustrated by Richie Vicencio


Young Iggy attends the Naysayer Academy where all the boys and girls of the kingdom are forced to study. They never leave and must eat the same horrible porridge everyday. Miss Spitfire, their teacher, tortures the children both physically and mentally. To make matters worse, Iggy is teased and bullied by all the other children. In the land ruled by King Naysayer, disobedience is punished by torture. Dishonesty and selfishness are considered virtues not faults. Long ago Iggy had mysteriously floated to the shores of this kingdom; he does not know his parents or origin

One day the children decide to throw Iggy down a trash well. He screams for help. A man throws a rope down to rescue him, but then kidnaps the boy and throws him in the back of a wagon. Iggy can’t understand why; but the man named Captain Swell tells him that the ring Iggy wore on his finger proves that he is the prince from the Rose kingdom, who was kidnapped long ago. At first Iggy does not believe his good fortune. To gain back his power he must get back the ring that King Naysayer has stolen from him. Along the journey, Iggy meets a fortune teller, Professor Jones, and an eccentric named Henry O’Henry who will collaborate with him to restore his throne. Will Iggy triumph over adversity? Does he return to Naysayer and punish his tormentors?

This book is intended for tweens and young teens. The black and white line drawings with a graphic novel look break up the story and make the short chapters more visual and interesting. I must give warning that there is some rather coarse language and some pretty nasty examples of bullying behavior which make it inappropriate, in my opinion, for children younger than ten. Lots of adventure, mixed with twists and turns in plot, a bit of magic and fantasy, and the type of humor that appeals to this age group make the book a nice package for the middle grade reader. Parents and teachers might want to preview the book if children will be reading the book independently.

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